On Decolonizing Our Hearts and Bodies as a White Herbalist
Spoonful Herbals Spoonful Herbals

On Decolonizing Our Hearts and Bodies as a White Herbalist

By Katherine Elmer

I am a cis gendered, able-bodied, demisexual, white woman of European* descent. I grew up in situational poverty with parents who had college degrees and a middle-class upbringing. I identify as a “seer” and “truth teller”. A medicine woman not only for a body but for our culture that is in the throes of a transition, a rebirth. Resistance creates suffering; surrender engenders deep learning and healing- often laced with some discomfort as we grow into new ways of being in the world. But how do I “see” and speak “truth” in these spaces I inhabit that are, by design, hiding the truth from me and resisting the truth on my lips and heart?

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