Herb Mobs
Spoonful Herbals organizes medicinal plant gleaning events or “Herb Mobs” throughout the growing season and around the region to harvest plentiful wild plants, surplus herb crops or unwanted “weeds” on local farms. They are then dried or processed into medicine for educational use and/or community health access through places like the Railyard Apothecary, Burlington Herb Clinic and VCIH Community Herb Clinics.
Host Benefits
increase visibility and broaden your networks by bringing new people to your property
diversify your knowledge of your property’s resources
make use of your property more fully
reduce weeds and invasives on your property
contribute to a vibrant local community herbalism system
opportunity for you, your friends and family to learn about harvesting and using your plants for medicine (invite them!)
How do I Host an Herb Mob?
We have certain criteria for our Herb Mob hosts. Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch within 3-4 weeks!
* Disclaimer: We are not able to bring Herb Mobs to all farms/homesteads that express interest, but we may be able to work with you to find a way for your weeds to be used! It is always worth reaching out.
* Please also note that donations of already harvested plants cannot be accepted, as we must ensure that each plant has been properly identified by a trained herbalist and harvested from a suitable location.